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Cooper Ornithological Society -- Young Professional Awards

Guest Matt Johnson

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Guest Matt Johnson

The Cooper Ornithological Society Young Professional Awards

for the joint meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union (133rd Stated Meeting) and the Cooper Ornithological Society (85th Annual Meeting) 28-31 July 2015 in Norman, Oklahoma.

The Young Professional Presentation Award (YPA) recognizes early-career ornithological researchers for their outstanding contributions to ornithology. Two awardees will be selected to present (~30 minutes each) at the Young Professional Award Plenary session held at AOU/COS 2015 meeting.  In addition, the two awardees will receive a cash prize, travel support to the AOU/COS 2015 meeting, and will be the honorary guest at a reception attended by the COS president, officers, and the YPA committee. Candidates must be COS members and must have either 1) graduated within three years of the annual meeting or 2) at the time of the meeting be in the final phase of graduate studies (last 9 months). In addition, candidates must be sole author (or senior author, if the presentation is co-authored) of the presentation and are expected to be first author of published papers reporting the research. Applicants will be notified by April 15, 2015. The Young Professional Award has a limit of one per person.

View the previous YPA recipients here.

To apply for the YPA for the AOU/COS 2015 joint meeting, submit the following items (as a single pdf attachment) via e-mail to Matt Johnson (cosypa@humboldt.edu) by 15 March, 2015.

1.    2-page curriculum vitae indicating graduation date
2.    A mini-paper of your research following the guidelines of ARTICLES submission outlined in Nature (http://www.nature.com/nature/authors/gta/#a1.1).  Body of text (abstract through discussion) should not exceed 1,500 words; literature cited, tables, figures, and figure captions are not included in the word count, but figures and tables are limited to 4 total.

Please see the conference website for additional information on the conference, awards, and other opportunities.

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