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Two-day sound analysis workshop (California)

Guest Russ Charif

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Guest Russ Charif

The Bioacoustics Research Program and the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology are considering offerring a 2-day sound analysis workshop, focusing on analysis of animal sounds using Raven Pro sound analysis software (http://www.birds.cornell.edu/brp/raven/ravenoverview.html). The workshop would occur on 14-15 June 2014, at the Sierra Nevada Field Campus of San Francisco State University ( http://www.sfsu.edu/~sierra/index.html).

Workshop topics would include the conceptual foundations of spectrogram analysis (no math required!), robust measurements, automated signal detection, quantitative comparison of spectrograms, and advanced tips and tricks to make working with Raven easier and more efficient. Sessions would include lectures, demos, and hands-on exercises using the participants’ own recordings. Specific details of the content would depend on interests of the participants.
Participants would be expected to provide their own Windows or Mac laptop.

Enrollment preference for this analysis workshop will be given to people who have already registered for the Macaulay Library's Sound Recording Workshop (http://macaulaylibrary.org/field-recording). However, a few slots may be available on a first-come, first-served basis for additional participants not enrolled in the recording workshop. If you may be interested in this workshop, please indicate your level of interest and provide contact info by following this link:

Please respond by noon Pacific time (UCT+8) on 23 April.

(If you are registered for the recording workshop and already responded to a similar query, please do NOT respond again.)

The final decision as to whether the workshop will be held will be made on Thursday 24 April, and will depend on the number of responses we receive; we will contact all who indicate interest no later than 25 April to let you know whether or not the workshop will occur.

Lectures, demos, and hands-on work would occur on Saturday and Sunday, 14-15 June. Participants should plan on arriving at the field campus the evening of Friday, 13 June, and departing on the morning of Monday, 16 June.

Cost of the workshop would be $368, which includes lodging for three nights (10 x 16-foot tents, may be double occupancy; see the field campus website for details) and meals for 2 days.

Contact Russ Charif, r.charif@cornell.edu.

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