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AAAS sponsored career webinar April 8, 2014

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*Thinking Outside the Lab: Finding a fulfilling non-research career*


In this webinar, you will learn firsthand from accomplished Ph.D.s who

have successfully navigated a career outside of the research realm.

They'll talk about their own experiences, examine a range of career

options open to STEM professionals across different sectors, and discuss

the analytic, communication and teamworking skills needed for these

kinds of roles. Join us April 8 at 1 p.m. EDT for this exclusive event.


Register >





Jill S. Baron, Co-Director Jill.Baron@ColoState.edu

John Wesley Powell Center for Earth System Analysis and Synthesis

US Geological Survey jill_baron@usgs.gov

Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory ph 970-491-1968

Colorado State University fx 970-491-1965

Fort Collins CO 80523-1499 cell 970-217-8949





You come to nature with your theories, and she knocks them all

flat -- Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)

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