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Galveston Oil Spill Threatening Crucial Bird Refuge

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An oil containment boom cuts across a sandbar covered with birds on Pelican Island near Galveston, Texas. PHOTOGRAPH BY SMILEY N. POOL, HOUSTON CHRONICLE VIA AP
A barge that spilled 168,000 gallons (635,000 liters) of oil Saturday into Galveston Bay is threatening a refuge that's crucial habitat for thousands of birds, experts say.


The spill occurred when the barge collided with a ship in the Houston Ship Channel near Texas City, on the western coast of Galveston Bay.


The area is about 8 miles (13 kilometers) from the Bolivar Peninsula, which is home to the Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary, a preserved area of marshy mudflats that's home to a variety of geese, ducks, herons, and other waterbirds.


Read more: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/03/140324-galveston-bay-birds-oil-spill-animals-science/

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