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Statistics for Ecology and Conservation Biology

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Statistics for Ecology and Conservation Biology

This course provides an overview of quantitative methods for ecological research and conservation. During the two-week intensive residential session, participants review statistical methods needed for ecological research and conservation science. Through lectures, discussions, and extensive hands-on computer lab exercises you will focus on increasing your knowledge of statistical methods like generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed models, the assumptions underlying those methods, and how to interpret and explain their results. Throughout the course, participants will use R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.


Participants learn how to choose appropriate analyses for different research questions, and about the assumptions underlying each model. Through the lectures and hands-on exercises participants learn how to design their own studies, explore their data, perform a range of analyses, understand fitted models, and clearly explain their results. By the end of the course, participants will be able to conduct sophisticated statistical analyses, critically evaluate statistics-based material in current research literature, and deal with the limitations of real datasets in the context of conservation science.


Participants should have previously completed basic statistics coursework or have previous experience with statistics.






August 18-29, 2014




Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia


Application Procedure


Statistics for Ecology and Conservation Biology is offered through the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation as a professional training course for 6 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Applications should be submitted using our Online Application Page. Before beginning our online application, please have .pdf or .doc versions of your updated CV, a Personal Statement of Interest and Qualifications (maximum 350 words), and a letter of recommendation from someone familiar with your academic/professional work. You’ll be asked to attach these with your application.


For first consideration, apply before June 9, 2014.


Course Costs


Payment deadline: June 23, 2014.


The total cost for this course is $3,478 (Course fee of $2100 + Housing and Dining Package of $1,378) and includes:


Registration fees

Instruction, course manual, and other course materials

Airport pick-up and drop-off. Participants should plan to arrive to Dulles International Airport (IAD) by the evening of Sunday, August 17. Course instruction begins 1pm Monday August 18, and ends by 4pm on Friday August 29.

Transportation for course activities.

Daily full-service buffet at the SMSC Dining Commons, starting with dinner on Sunday August 17, ending with brunch Saturday August 30.

Housing at the SMSC Residential Facility, including a shared room with bathroom (single rooms available at extra cost). Lodging provided includes the nights of Sunday August 17 through Friday, August 29, 2014.



A very limited number of scholarships is available on a competitive basis for eligible international applicants. Click HERE for more information on scholarships.




With course coordinator’s written approval in advance of registration/payment, local participants may elect to stay off campus, waive the housing and dining package, and commute to this course. Meals in the Dining Commons can then be purchased individually as needed.


For more information


Email SCBItraining@si.edu.



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