Society for Ornithology Documents
Documents related to the proposed Society for Ornithology
6 files
SFO Governance Committee draft bylaws & mission
By Sue Haig
Draft mission statement and bylaws proposed by the SFO Planning subcommittee on governance and management. Please comment here.
Click the big "Download" button to download the most recent version. A list of older versions available for download will appear to the right (if there are any).
The current version is: 26 May 2012.
Version history:
Document available on OE: 29 May 2012
Document created: 26 May 2012
A Vision for The Society for Ornithology
By Sue Haig
March 8 2012
Susan Haig (chair), Bonnie Bowen, Jed Burtt, John Fitzpatrick, Frank Gill, Dylan Kesler, Thomas Martin, Brian Olsen, Amanda Rodewald, Stan Senner, and Jeffrey Walters
This SFO Vision Statement represents the initial efforts to plan the Society for Ornithology. The document was prepared over the past year by senior ornithologists from across North America. It will now be used by a new committee comprised of 4 representatives from each of the ornithological societies in the Americas interested in helping further plan SFO. For more information, see the article about it.
Regarding the proposed Society of Ornithology and the merger of the Ornithological Societies of North America
In a few days, the governing Council of the American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU) and invited guests will meet to discuss a plan for the implementation of the AOU plan for a Society of Ornithology. In part, the plan addresses a proposal to merge the Ornithological Societies of North America. This same issue was raised and addressed by the Cooper Ornithological Society (COS) beginning in 2009. Several individuals have suggested that not everyone in the AOU group may have seen the documents associated with the COS effort and that making them available would be useful to their deliberations. In the following pages, I provide a brief overview of the COS effort as well as copies of pertinent documents.
Change in OSNA Membership 1999-2011
By Sue Haig
Better version than was previously uploaded.
Finances of OSNA Societies in 2010
By Sue Haig
This is a better version of the file posted earlier today.
AOU 20XX Annual Meeting Presentation.pdf
By Sue Haig
Presentation made at the AOU Business Meeting, Jacksonville, FL (August 2011) describing the proposed merger of ornithological societies.
See the following article for more information:
AOU and Other Societies to Evolve Into New Society for Ornithology