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Tools for converting between AOU codes, common names, scientific names, and family names; Also Phylogenetic sorting


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I recently updated a spreadsheet tool that may be useful for folks out there and are freely available for download. If you use standardized AOU alpha bird codes to collect data, the Excel macro tool will convert those into common, scientific, or family names. Likewise, the spreadsheet tools convert lists between common names, scientific names, and family names and includes tools to help sort birds in phylogenetic order. There are two options for data input: copy/paste names or codes into the spreadsheet or use macro shortcut keys to convert lists of data in your own worksheets.


The update uses the Alpha code list for North American Birds through the 53rd AOU Supplement (Sept 19, 2012) as published on the IBC website, so thanks to Pyle, DeSante, and folks out that way.

There are similar macro workbooks for plant names (converting between standardized plant symbol codes, common names, latin names, and family names) and a new one specifically to help look-up wetland indicator status for plants based on the 2012 National Wetland Plant List.

The tools with in-depth instructions are available at: http://fielddata.blogspot.com/search/label/Birds.

Feel free to send me a note if you have any questions or if you find any of the tools useful.

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