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BNA Online April 2012 revisions: Ring-billed Gull, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Anna's Hummingbird, Connecticut Warbler

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Update (April) New Fully Revised Species Accounts-- Ring-billed Gull, revised by Ingrid L. Pollet, David Shutler and John Chardine. This account has newly updated audio and video galleries. Also revised is Black-throated Gray Warbler, revised by BNA staff and Peter Lowther. This species' photo and audio galleries have been updated.


Update (April) New Fully Revised Species Accounts-- Anna's Hummingbird, revised by Christopher Clark. This account has newly updated photo, audio and video galleries. Also revised is Connecticut Warbler, revised by the original account authors Jay Pitocchelli, Julie Jones and David Jones. This account has newly updated photo and video galleries.

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