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Latest issue of AFO's newsletter, AFO Afield - August 2016

Jennifer Smith

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The latest issue of the Association of Field Ornithologist’s biannual newsletter, AFO Afield is now available for download. In preparation for our annual meeting which will occur from the 16th to the 20th August in Washington DC as part of the NAOC VI, we have included information about the AFO’s presence at the meeting and how you can interact with us. This includes details about Twitter-based competitions that we will run throughout the conference for a chance to win a stylish AFO baseball cap! We are also excited to include a contribution from former recipients of the Bergstrom Award about their research focusing on the ecology of Patagonia’s migratory birds which was funded through the award. In addition, we have included interviews with three former recipients of the Pamela L. and Alexander F. Skutch Research Award, Sandra Victoria Rojas Nossa, Ursula Valdez, and Gustavo Londoño. The interviews showcase the research funded through the award, the impact of the research, stories from the field, and provide updates about the recipients. Finally, we introduce the three newest elected members of the AFO’s Governing Council (Class of 2018), Jill Jankowski, Matthew Reudink, and Jennifer Smith. To download the most recent copy of AFO Afield, please visit: http://afonet.org/wp_english/about/newsletter/

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