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Highlands Biological Station Grants in Aid of Research

Melanie Colón

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Highlands Biological Station (HBS) is now accepting applications for scholarships for research to be

conducted at HBS during the summer 2015.


For nearly 50 years the Highlands Biological Foundation, Inc. has provided grants in support of

scientific research, bringing graduate students and research scientists to Highlands from all over the

country. Grant recipients are expected to spend time in residence at HBS, as both they and other

researchers and students benefit from such interaction. Support may be awarded for one to twelve

weeks. Awards are based on the period of residence at HBS according to the following schedule:

Graduate, $350/week; Postdoctoral, $450/week. Recipients of grants-in-aid are provided research

space without charge.


Application cover sheets and text must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. EST on 1 March. Applicants

are notified in early April, following final approval by the Board of Directors.


Please see our website: http://highlandsbiological.org/grants-in-aid-of-research/ for information

and an application. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Kandl at kkandl@email.wcu.edu

or 828-526-2602.

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