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Advanced Banding Workshop, Powdermill Research Center, Deadline:05/01/2014

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Employer: at Powdermill Research Center
Location:Rector, PA
Duration:5 day workshop
Application Deadline:05/01/2014

Job Description:We are pleased to announce that Powdermill Nature Reserve will be holding its annual spring Advanced Bird Banding Workshop May 14th-18th of 2014. Participants will arrive on Tuesday evening (May 13th) and depart on Sunday afternoon (18th). This will allow for 5 full days (weather permitting) of bird banding. Participants in this workshop are expected to already be comfortable extracting birds from mist-nets, and the focus using the latest techniques to age and sex passerines (using molt limits and plumage). The majority of time will be spent in the field with live birds; however, these sessions will be complemented with some afternoon or evening presentations. The workshop costs $650 per person and on site lodging (with kitchen) and breakfast is included. Space is limited with only a few spots remaining. If you are interested in the workshop or would like additional details please contact Luke DeGroote (DeGrooteL@carnegiemnh.org).


Qualifications:Basic handling experience, experience extracting preferred.


To Apply:Contact Luke DeGroote (DeGrooteL@carnegiemnh.org) for more information

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