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Congressional budget deal: impact on funding for scientific research

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"Some agencies and programs received surprisingly large funding boosts in the FY 2014 omnibus, but the National Science Foundation (NSF) is not one of them. While the agency will see some budget growth from FY 2013 post-sequester levels, that growth will be somewhat limited, especially when one factors in inflation. Per AAAS estimates, NSF R&D could end up at roughly $5.8 billion in FY 2014, representing a 6.1 percent boost above FY 2013 post-sequester estimates and 2.4 percent above the request. In terms of overall budget, NSF would experience 4.2 percent growth above post-sequester levels and 0.9 percent growth above FY 2012, though inflation will result in a real-dollar decline of three percent below FY 2012."


"Under the recent FY 2014 omnibus, the National Institutes of Health would receive $29.3 billion for R&D per AAAS estimates. In nominal dollars, this represents a rough midpoint between the President's request and FY 2013 post-sequester spending: specifically, a 3.5 percent increase above FY 2013, and 3.8 percent below the request. NIH R&D would remain 2.2 percent below FY 2012 levels. In constant dollars, the NIH budget has come down by around 15 percent since FY 2004."

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