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Ornithologist: Birds have a lot to teach humans

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Birds fly over the Mediterranean sea in the southern port city of Sidon, Lebanon, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012. (The Daily Star/Mohammed Zaatari)
BEIRUT: Archeological ruins are an unlikely place to sight breeding birds, Professor Ghassan Jaradi, Lebanon’s pre-eminent ornithologist, said, but after several hours one spring day, he managed to identify one nestled in the arch of Tyre’s ancient Roman temple. Several tourists had complained of being attacked by a vicious unseen fowl, even the dogs were fearful. Jaradi went to the scene at once to investigate.

With his bird-sighting arsenal – binoculars, camera and notebook – in hand, he stood by a crumbled column overlooking the awning where the bird was supposedly hiding. He waited for hours. When his patience began to wane, Jaradi finally found what he was looking for: The bird darted from its burrow, and in one fell swoop, dashed to the ground and absconded, all in the blink of an eye.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2013/Dec-07/240200-ornithologist-birds-have-a-lot-to-teach-humans.ashx#ixzz2mkvZ8m2q

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