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Ornithology Exchange (brought to you by the Ornithological Council)
  • Join/renew your society membership(s) today!

    Fern Davies
    • Your ornithological societies need your support if they are to continue providing the services that help you pursue your research and your careers. They provide journals to publish your research, grants to help fund your research, travel awards to help you attend professional meetings. They provide mentorships and academic and professional opportunities. They support the Ornithological Council, OrnithologyExchange, and myriad activities for ornithologists.

      How do you join or renew your membership?



    Your ornithological societies need your support if they are to continue providing the services that help you pursue your research and your careers. They provide journals to publish your research, grants to help fund your research, travel awards to help you attend professional meetings. They provide mentorships and academic and professional opportunities. They support the Ornithological Council, OrnithologyExchange, and myriad activities for ornithologists.

    How do you join or renew your membership?

    Please visit Membersuite for:


    American Ornithological Society (formerly AOU and COS)

    Association of Field Ornithologists

    Raptor Research Foundation

    Wilson Ornithological Society

    A special request: when you join one or more of these societies, please consider making a donation to the Ornithological Council. The OC provides ornithologists with a direct link to (1) government agencies that affect research (including permits, animal welfare, funding, data access policies, and more) and (2) decision-makers who need scientific information about birds to make sound decisions about bird conservation and management and other activities that affect birds. The OC is supported by its member societies across the Western Hemisphere and by individual ornithologists. Contributions to OC can be made when you join/renew one of these societies via the contributions page or if you decide not to join at society at this time, through the OC Paypal.

    Please visit Waterbird Society for


    Waterbird Society

    A special request: when you join the Waterbird Society, please consider making a donation to the Ornithological Council. The OC provides ornithologists with a direct link to (1) government agencies that affect research (including permits, animal welfare, funding, data access policies, and more) and (2) decision-makers who need scientific information about birds to make sound decisions about bird conservation and management and other activities that affect birds. The OC is supported by its member societies across the Western Hemisphere and by individual ornithologists. Contributions to OC can be made when you join/renew one of these societies via the Schneider Group renewal website or if you decide not to join at this time, through the OC Paypal.


    Please visit Society of Canadian Ornithologists for

    Society of Canadian Ornithologists

    A special request: when you join the SCO/SOC, please consider making a donation to the Ornithological Council. The OC provides ornithologists with a direct link to (1) government agencies that affect research (including permits, animal welfare, funding, data access policies, and more) and (2) decision-makers who need scientific information about birds to make sound decisions about bird conservation and management and other activities that affect birds. The OC is supported by its member societies across the Western Hemisphere and by individual ornithologists. Contributions to OC can be made through the OC Paypal.



    Edited by Ellen Paul

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